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It’s the End of the Cycle! Yet the circle never ends!
Hey Soul Family, Happy Winter Solstice & Happy Holidays! Hope you had a peaceful and loving time. The New Year is quickly approaching…...

When the Floodgates Open… Being aware of the ebbs and flows of life.
Hey Soul-Loves, we have entered a new season filled with transformative energy. We just went through our Fall Equinox (Spring in the...

Ascension Time! Are you ready for another shift?
Hey Soul Family, Happy Full Moon & Happy 4th! Hope you are all having a safe and wonderful holiday. I spent the last few days nursing a...

Reclaiming YOU! (Spring Awakening)
Time to Reclaim you! Hey Soul Family, How many of you have been feeling tired, frazzled and/or fed-up? Have you been dealing with one...

New Year, New You?
HAPPY NEW YEAR, SOUL-LOVES! We are only a few days into the new year, how are you doing so far? Feeling stable after a tumultuous 2022?...

What does “FREEDOM” mean to you?
Are we truly free, when not everyone is treated equal and not every soul has access to freedom? I think about all of the ones who came...

December brings Sacred (R)Evolution, Healing & Magical Manifestations!
Neptune went Direct on December 1st, 2021 Happy December Beautiful Souls! Neptune, God of the Sea & the ruler of Pisces went direct...

It’s Spring and the New Moon in Aries is here to help you manifest all you desire! I don’t know about you but this winter was brutal for...

Winter Solstice 2020: Time for reflection and self love!
What 2020 has taught me about my inner light. In order to shine and be your best self you must learn to navigate through the dark and...

How to live your best life no matter the challenges plus... it's a New Moon in Scorpio!
Hey Beautiful Souls I am currently in the midst of a move, the selling of two homes, and the potential purchase of a brand new home with...

How to deal with stress & anxiety during the elections?
Prior to this presidential election, many of us were already stressed, regularly refreshing news sites and worrying about the future and...

The chakras and the crystals that help realign them.
We all know about chakras, right? Chakra is a Sanskrit term and means “wheel” or “disk” - Spinning wheels of energy/light. Chakras are...

Love is all you need: How to rebalance your Heart Chakra
Your Heart Chakra located in the center of the chest Sanskrit name: Anahata Love, Compassion, forgiveness Chant: Yam How do you know if...
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